Bruna Benini
2 min readJan 11, 2021


pretty much sure my grammar is not that good or right or… you know.

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

every day I see hundreds of thousands of people
running in the rush of this tumultuous day-to-day
full of chaos and more running.

I take the subway and see it running fast,
it doesn’t stop and people don’t stop either.
now and then I take the bus that crosses from some bus stop to another
and I see even more running
combined with traffic that doesn’t run,
quite the opposite, I can say.

about a minute and a half I stand at the traffic light
waiting to change colors for the driver to follow.
maybe less than a minute and a half
or maybe it’s more than that.
it’s a long time, still.

I keep finding
thousands of hundreds of dozens of people
during this daily rush
full of traffic
of people
of uncertainties
of sorrows
of joys
of dissatisfactions
and satisfactions
the subway is still fast
stopping every two or three minutes
maybe less maybe more.
stopping at each station.

people who keep walking
late for some kind of commitment
another people not so late
but already used to running and keep running
for living in a rush.

dissatisfaction surrounds the endless skyscrapers
combined with fulfillment and desire and running and…
groundless chaos
in the city that doesn’t stop
in the rush that doesn’t end
in traffic that doesn’t walk (literally)
in the people who run
in dreams
I dream

I almost missed my final station.



Bruna Benini

a licença poética me permite não fazer sentido | relações-públicas, escrevo vez ou outra e sou apaixonada por livros, café, cinema e escrita. |